More Leah

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Eulogy 2/8/06: Grandma Phyllis

Precious Leah was given to us for almost 8 years.

Rambunctious, adorable, loving and loved, talented and promising, she was special beyond our dreams.

Through the years I recall the expression “Some things are too good to be true”, Leah was!

Already she had love of learning and desire to explore – with joy in life – piano instruction, soccer, art, and gymnastics. The excitement of the possibilities was endless.

A most enduring memory, 5 year old Leah skipping quickly across the soccer field, and then scoring a goal with that Leah look in her eyes.

A best moment for me, Leah running to me, saying “grandma” and almost knocking me over with kiss and hug. What a feeling!

Leah and Andrew shared a love for each other that was a blessing that will forever warm me. We will cherish her memory forever.

Leah, we love you. Our love and our thoughts and our prayers will always be with you .

Eulogy 2/8/06: Grandpa Al's Reflections

How does anyone express one’s feelings at a time like this?

I will try to share my own feelings and recollections of our grandchild, Leah.

Leah was a unique, spirited, beautiful child. I will always remember her bright, inquisitive mind, her infectious smile, and the mischievous twinkle of her dark brown eyes.

Leah had a very independent, determined attitude and was quite an achiever in piano and school, as well as an outstanding competitor in gymnastics and soccer.

Any time there was drawing paper or scissors, you would find her busily engaged, producing her art and craftwork, which were a joy to behold. Being a doting grandfather, I was delighted seeing the quality of her creativity, skills and persistence.

Leah liked attention:
At a family reunion, about a year ago in Cancun, Mexico, we played a fun game. She actually relished being “it” in the center of a circle of many relatives. When she was “it”, she teased us all by slowly circling in place, before pointing gleefully at the next “it”. I don’t think she was bothered one bit by being “it”, because she gave it her typical, positive spin.

There didn’t seem to be any challenge or obstacle that she could not overcome. I will never want to forget that physically powerful little gymnast, who was also a bright, cheerful, very sweet child.

Leah was one of a kind, beloved by many, but especially by her older brother, Andrew. who adored her. She was loved deeply by her devoted parents, Rick and Susan, her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so many friends,
(including pet cats, Pico and Fizz)

Leah, we all miss you terribly and hope you are at peace now and forever.

Grandpa Al

Eulogy 2/8/06: Grandpa Carlos

Friends and family, I am Carlos Quintana, paternal Grandfather of Leah. I want to thank all of you for being here, knowing that many of you came from afar to comfort the family during this most difficult time. There is nothing more mentally traumatic than losing one of your children. I have other Grandchildren and they are all special. Leah was just as special. She was a beautiful-beautiful child in all respects; her demeanor, sense of humor, athletic abilities and physical appearance.

Her demeanor was that of a happy child, always smiling whether playing, chatting or even while eating. As my Son-in-Law Yakov once said, Leah comes in with that cute smile and a twinkle in her eye that seems to say I know something that you don’t. The only time she wasn’t smiling was when she was having a tiff with Andrew, but in a few minutes they were hugging and smiling. They were not only siblings but also the greatest of friends.

Her sense of humor was quite clever. If I had not seen her in a while I would pretend she might be Andrew and she would retort, “I am Leah”.! I t didn’t take long before she caught on to me and would say, “I am Andrew and I play soccer and baseball”, and then she would call me, “Grandpa Al”.

Her athletic abilities were quite unique, being a bit of a tomboy, wanting to do everything Andrew was doing. At our family gatherings, whether in Monterey, San Mateo, Burlingame or Lincoln, she would be right in the middle of the playing activity. After a while she would come in wanting something to drink, her hair all tussled and giving you that big smile with her head crooked over a bit. How could anyone deny that request? She played soccer for several years and last year she decided she also wanted to do gymnastics. In order to classify them into groups they were tested for upper body strength. She was able to do an amazing 17 chin-ups, so I was told. Next time I saw her I asked her and she confirmed it, adding, “How many can you do Grandpa?” I muttered something unintelligible and promised I would try it when my rotator cuff was a bit better. Any time her Dad was working a project at home she would always want to help, “What can I do?” she would ask. Guess what? She received her own toolbox for Christmas.

Leah was a beautiful-beautiful child. I would tell her she was the prettiest little girl in all of Burlingame and she would give me an even bigger smile. Leah will live in our hearts forever. She was our little Angel on earth and now, she is one of Heaven’s little Angels.
Grandpa Carlos